Walt Disney used to say that the only difference between a dream and a goal is a date.

Action is the means to turn a project into reality.

Each of us has a calling that appears in life sooner or later as if by magic, but we do not know when it will happen.

We named our company Wake Cap because the name is the first expression of the mission we have in the world.

We believe that especially from an intense event in our life, a new awareness can be born.

And in this territory, we have sown the seeds for our reality to take root, which manifests and lives through ParruccheTrieste.it.

In the fall of 2020, as the world was grappling with a new definition of normalcy, where social distancing emphasized the importance of an embrace, when the beauty of faces was hidden behind protection imposed to keep us safe, and when lockdowns made us express the desire for rebirth, at that precise moment, WE WERE BORN.

Just as you cannot choose the day you will be born, our company came into existence naturally at the perfect moment for it to happen.

We were born during a full lockdown when being open was not possible. We decided to believe in our values and take action by establishing our reality.

And we were born with a very strong WHY.

To make our values available to the world by following our principles, our ethics, and the gifts that the universe has given us when we came into this world.

Relationship, Emotions, Experience. We believe that the whole is much more than the sum of its parts. And that each individual component is of fundamental importance for the final result.

We believe that our task is to find together the solution that will naturally appear in the time required for it to manifest.

Just as nature requires its own time for a flower to reveal its magnificent essence, so the environment we have created, the care in our relationships with people, our natural way of being, will allow us to identify the best solution to nurture and make your natural beauty shine.

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